Tips on working from home

19 March 2020

When I first started working from home people used to say to me “you must get up in the morning and shower and dress professionally as though you are going into the office”.

This will ensure that you take your role seriously and keep you focused. We all know that isn’t going to happen!! So, what CAN you do to stay disciplined and get through your working day while still in your pyjamas - possibly having not showered for nearly three days!?

1. If possible, set up a quiet area to work, away from your everyday household chores, children and television. If this is not possible, try to setup your workstation somewhere that you are not staring at jobs that need doing in the house as these will distract you.

2. With no need to go to a meeting, cross the office to speak to someone or even just to go to the scanner/printer, I find that there is little need to rise from my chair very often when WFH so it is important for your physical wellbeing to stand, stretch and move around regularly. Working from my basement I find a quick jog up the stairs and back often does the trick 😊

PRO TIP: Instead of having a bottle of your chosen liquid refreshment on your workspace, fill a smaller glass which you need to get up and fill more regularly.

3. It can be difficult to take a one hour break for lunch when you WFH as it doesn’t usually take an hour to make a snack and if you start pottering in your home (or turn on the TV) you will find it very difficult to go back to your station. A 20 min to half an hour walk after eating (weather permitting) is a good way to refresh and get you through those final hours.

PRO TIP: Dogs are great motivators for this!

4. When you have completed your day’s work log off, turn off and walk away from your workstation. It is very easy to just quickly login and check your emails, maybe you have received an answer to that query you raised earlier?

Don’t forget to maintain a healthy balance between work and home life. If you continually log on to your desktop it won’t take long before you feel like all you do is work and have no time for yourself and your family;

5. Keep in contact with your work colleagues and try to bring as much humour as you can into your correspondence. It can be lonely working from home and anything that might make a colleague laugh, smile or show you care can only be a good thing 😊

Remember that we are all extremely lucky that we have the jobs we do and to work for such a modern, flexible and understanding company, no one knows that more than me!! Working from home can have so many rewards as long as you stay disciplined and don’t forget, so many are not that fortunate.

Stay safe and stay positive x
